On Todays WTF

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This is why you must run the correct size wire and make sure you’re getting the correct voltage.

Jumping grounds, Running 2 8 GPM, and a heater off 1 battery 🤔 But it’s AGM 👌 what does that mean? I don’t believe in sharing power on main units. Now everything is down,3 machines not just 1 machine. Also now more problems instead of keeping everything isolated. Work smarter, not harder.

Being cheap will cost you way more money & headaches in the end. It will work at 1st but for how long? When you don’t know any better. We all blame the microswitch (Pressure sensor) on-demand pumps. It’s not the pump’s fault if you can get it almost 13 volts.

I run a bypass pump. I can throw more amps in my line, Versus Remco 15.1 amp microswitch. So I can come on and off the gun more with no issues. With demand, you have to let the lines cool down. Or melt the micro switch so now it won’t turn on or off depending on the inside. This is why they say in the smooth flow manual. No more than 6 times on and off the gun in a minute. This is why I have it on the website if you need to get back up and running. Turn your demand pump into a bypass. It’s a way better system than demand. The setup is cheaper and way more reliable. I have more time on the gun with no issues. I am trying to hit home how important this is.

Smooth Flo has a better switch in it correct? Way better design but we can’t just change a pump because the wires are bad or not getting the proper voltage. In due time you will end up in the same situation. Because you didn’t fix the problem. You just put a bandaid on it. You are wasting money and having more headaches instead of building your business. We must fix the problem so we can stop having problems.

This wire lasted about a year and then showed fire issues. You must feel the wires. Make sure they are not getting hot. If the wires are hot then it’s too small of a wire. as long as your using the correct tip and not causing the issue with the wrong tips.

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